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May 15, 2007



So are these folks living in complete denial, or were they simply not showing their cards...making the point of this gathering somewhat moot? I'll assume the latter. For example, AM radio isn't "dead," but once you move beyond the top three stations in the top 10 markets, it does a pretty good imitation. All I know is, every Sunday I pick up my SF Chronicle and wonder, "How long can this go on?"

Keith Raffel

Steve, maybe my recap wasn't complete. They were well aware of the challenges facing newspapers. Being upbeat is somewhat contrarian these days. All thought the job of professional reporters could not go away because people want that kind of news reporting. Pruitt said, if you include people who use newspaper websites, more people are reading what newspapers put out than ever before. They all understood that a cellulose and ink version of papers could not be the only alternative. They believe in their workproduct and all recognized the monetization problem.

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